It does not fit the criteria of a mental condition like gambling disorder. The condition known as gambling disorder, which is less severe than gambling addiction, requires a subject to meet at least four out of nine criteria.
Following symptoms to diagnose as a gambling addiction
Researchers and doctors called for the adoption of subclinical pathological gambling, with gambling addiction as the diagnosis, after finding that a significant number of participants only showed a few of these nine criteria.
One to three of the following signs must be present for at least a year in order to qualify for a gambling addiction diagnosis:
- Obsession. A bettor frequently has an obsession with gambling, which includes making plans for the next gambling session and reliving previous gambling experiences, whether successful or unsuccessful.
- Elimination. A bettor could act agitated or restless.
- Leniency. For a bettor to activate their neurotransmitter systems, they need to place high-risk, high-stakes bets..
- Escape. A bettor turns to betting as a form of coping..
- Seeking. Frequently increases their wagers in an effort to make up for losses. Persistent pursuing could be an indication of a gambling addiction.
- Lying. Someone will use lies to cover up how much they gamble.
- Control is lost. A better makes repeated, fruitless attempts to restrain, curtail, or halt gambling.
- Risked valuable relationship. A person runs the danger of losing out on important relationships, job or educational prospects, and other opportunities.
- Bailout. Faces financial challenges and needs the support of friends and family to escape the dreadful circumstances brought on by their gambling habits.